code et astuces pour samsung

Samsung Secret GSM Codes

enter *#9999# to see the software version
enter *#0001# to see parameters.
enter*#9999# to see the software version
enter *#9125# to activate the smiley when the phone is charging
enter *#0837# instruction for the serial paramaters.
enter *#9998*228# to see battery informations.(capacity - voltage - temperature )
enter *#9998*246# to see the software status
enter *#9998*289# to change buzzer frequency
enter *#9998*364# to have the dog watch
enter *#9998*523# to change the contrast
enter *#9998*872# to have a diagnostic
enter *#9998*842# to make a vibrator test
enter *#9998*947# to make a reset (fatal error)
enter *#9998*9999# software version
enter *2767*2878# to make choice between the reset options

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